
  • Atopsecretexperimentintendedtoproduceasuperhumanhasgoneterriblywrong.Nowthecreators,trappedinaremotedesert…
  • In the Blood, the portrait of a medical student in his 20s and his experiences in what will become the def…
  • 威廉的父亲去世了,母亲精神有疾病,所以威廉和他的叔叔尼尔斯住在了一起。叔叔尼尔斯很早就退休了,每天都以倒卖…
  •   A lonely tow-truck driver gets caught in a deadly struggle between a pair of…
  • 经营旅馆兼酒馆吉姆霍金斯,意外获得一张藏宝图,向往海盗生涯的他,与朋友莱斯利医生,决心依照藏宝图前往寻宝,…
  • 美国尼米兹号,一艘从二战时期就经历无数战火的老牌航母,在还有6个月就正式退役的时候,尼米兹号接到一条命令,…
  • yle="text-indent: 28px;">《丹尼尔之书》本片讲述了一个圣经掩饰下的魔幻故事....
  • A father and his two teenage sons travel to a small mountain cabin for a male bonding adventure. When a lo…
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