
  • 警察克斯蒂带着任务前往戈梅拉岛,打入黑帮学习口哨暗语。然而当他回到警局之后,昔日的同伴却站在了他的对立面。…
  • Sabina, a divorced mother of two small children, falls in love with an old friend from the Bosnian war. Th…
  • ★根据西班牙畅销图像小说改编,揭开西班牙内战史上最黑暗的一页!★极限追击,绝无冷场,他一个人面对整个国家的…
  • A modern and unrelentingly tense psychological thriller based on a theory of the origins of shortwave radi…
  • 曾幾何時,智利惡名昭彰的異端組織「尊嚴殖民地」,由一名戀童的前納粹份子發起,建立了如同邪教的封閉社區,當中…
  • A modern and unrelentingly tense psychological thriller based on a theory of the origins of shortwave radi…
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